Psalm 68:18-20: Kingship
Give Jesus Christ your life and He will take you right into His heart. He will bear all your burdens in Himself.
Thank God that, especially during a global pandemic, the Christian Calendar supersedes every other calendar. Because today is Ascension Day, we can “lift our eyes to You Who are enthroned” and find peace. Forty days after Jesus’ body rose from death, He ascended to heaven, bodily, right in front of people who saw, touched and heard Him since His resurrection.
The Second Person of the Trinity is returning to the eternal abode, this time as King on the Throne for all eternity, as God with human nature, who bears in His resurrected body wounds that provide healing for all creation.
“You have ascended on high, You have led captive Your captives…Blessed be the Lord, Who daily bears our burdens, the God Who is our Salvation. God is to us a God of deliverances; and to God the Lord belong escapes from death.”
Psalm 68:18-20
In preparing His disciples for His ascension, Jesus said:
“After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. In that day you will know that I am in My Father and you in Me, and I in you.”
John 14:19-20
What does this mean for us today? Jesus is on the Throne reigning over all our things! He is King over the brokenness of our world and death itself. As a fully human King, He reigns over the brokenness of our sexuality, hearts, foolishness and bodies. He bears our suffering in His flesh as our Creator and God. His “lovingkindness is above the heavens,” meaning nothing that happens in our lives is too difficult to be out of reach of His touch!
This is the Good News of the mission of The Salvation Army. Jesus is our Salvation. He alone is the God of our deliverances and escapes.
This is the Good News for every person who will yield their life to Him. Give Jesus Christ your life and He will take you right into His heart. He will bear all your burdens in Himself. The King is for you and you never need to be alone.
Jesus, I need to belong to you. Take me. I am Yours. Amen.