At National Headquarters Winter and Summer 2021.FAREWELLING OFFICERS

Lt.-Colonels Ward and Michele Matthews, Assistant National Chief Secretary and National Secretary of Social Services, respectively, have returned to their home territory in the south. The Matthews have been serving as the Area Commanders in Sarasota, FL, effective January 1, 2021.
Lt.-Colonels Tim and Cindy Foley, National Secretary for Program and Editor-in-Chief of National Publications, and National Secretary for Business and National Treasurer, respectively, will be returning to their home territory in the west. The Foleys have been appointed to the Northwest Division, based in Seattle, WA. Lt.-Colonel Tim Foley will be the Divisional Leader for Officer Development, and Lt.-Colonel Cindy Foley will be the Divisional Commander and Divisional Director of Women’s Ministries, both effective July 1, 2021.

Major Jason Swain, Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief, will be returning to his home territory in the south. Major Swain has been appointed as the Corps Officer at the Northeast Kentucky Corps in Ashland, KY, effective June 21, 2021.
Lt.-Colonels Thomas and Jackie Bowers, National Secretary for the World Service Office and Assistant National Secretary for Program, respectively, will be entering honored retirement on September 1, 2021. The Bowers joined the NHQ staff in 2015. They will make their retirement home in Branson, MO.

Commissioner Jolene Hodder, National President of Women’s Ministries, will have the additional responsibility of National Secretary for Program, effective July 1, 2021.
Captain Matthew Satterlee, National Youth Officer, will have the additional responsibility of Assistant National Program Secretary, effective September 1, 2021.
Captain Jamie Satterlee, Editor of Peer magazine, will have the additional responsibility of Director of National Publications, effective July 1, 2021.

Majors David and Margaret Davis of the USA Eastern territory joined the National Headquarters staff on January 1, 2021 as National Liaison of Social Services and Public Policy and National Secretary of Social Services and Public Policy, respectively, effective January 1, 2021.
Majors Greg and Jeanne Baker of the USA Western territory will be returning from missionary service in Great Britain. They have been appointed as National Secretary for the World Service Office (SAWSO) designate and Assistant National Chief Secretary, respectively, effective July 12, 2021.

Major Stephen and Susan Ellis of the USA Southern territory have been appointed as National Treasurer and National Secretary for Business Administration and National Program and Special Projects Officer, respectively, effective July 1, 2021.
Captains Matthew and Jamie Satterlee have been promoted to Major, effective June 6, 2021.